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It’s Time to Drive Aluminum Beverage Cans to Full Circularity


The global use of aluminum beverage cans is set to increase to 630 billion units by 2030 (from 420 billion units in 2020). Recycling these 630 billion aluminum beverage cans globally would save 60 million tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions per year. The International Aluminum Institute and Mission Possible Partnership stress the essential role of keeping aluminum within recycling loops to support the International Energy Agency’s Net Zero by 2050 goal. As part of our planned global events, the Global Beverage Can Circularity Alliance will participate in New York Climate Week on 24 September. The official event is due to take place at Suntory Global Spirits’ headquarters on Tuesday, September 24. This is a unique opportunity for you to learn, grow, collaborate and contribute to the global effort of achieving near 100% recycling of aluminum beverage cans by 2050.


The primary objective of the event “ It’s Time to Drive Aluminum Beverage Cans to Full Circularity “ is to present the Global Beverage Can Circularity Alliance’s Global Advocacy Plant including Vision, Mission, and Strategy for achieving at least 80% by 2030 and 100% recycling rates by 2050 for aluminum beverage cans. The event will explore and establish viable pathways to this goal by bringing together industry leaders, policymakers, NGOs, and key stakeholders. Discussions will focus on addressing the challenges and opportunities in aluminum beverage can recycling, sharing success stories, and developing a collaborative action plan for global outreach.


• Set a global strategy for the Alliance’s work program

• Address global roadblocks and solutions

• Collaborate on US-specific approaches

• Showcase global success stories

• Explore company investment opportunities

This event is designed to foster dialogue, share best practices, and develop collaboration to enhance recycling rates for aluminum beverage cans. Your expertise and insights are invaluable in contributing to a 1.5 Degree Scenario for the Aluminum Sector.


2:30pm Registration Desk Opens

3pm – 5pm Official Program

5pm – 6pm Networking Reception and Spirit Tasting


2:30 pm - 6:00 pm EDT
Suntory Global Spirits Inc. Global Global Headquarters


International Aluminum Institute, Can Manufacturing Institute, US Aluminum Association