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The Professional Duty of Lawyers and Bar Associations in Action on Climate

This event brings together a growing coalition of national, international, state, and local bar associations. It is premised on the idea that lawyers have a professional duty to be climate-competent in their day-to-day work. Panelists will advance practical ideas on the contours of that duty in counseling clients and engaging in pro bono activities.

Climate change is already altering, and will continue to alter, the background conditions on which the practice of law is based, and the risks and opportunities of a wide range of activities in which clients engage. It is also leading to a variety of new public and private laws.

Law associations, including the American Bar Association and the International Bar Association, have responded with resolutions encouraging climate-competent lawyering and providing guidance to lawyers on how climate change affects their current professional responsibilities. The panelists will discuss these and other actions, and invite discussion on what more needs to be done.

Light refreshments will be available from 6 p.m. until 8:30 p.m.


6:00 pm - 7:30 pm EDT


New York City Bar Association