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Advancing the role of Women in Science for Sustainable Development in Africa: Lessons for Leadership of Higher Education Institutions

The process of real change in gender equity at African higher education institutions (HEIs) remains slow. Significant challenges such as deeply entrenched cultural norms, inadequate policy implementation, and resource constraints persist. Key to the realization of gender equity is for countries, institutions, and individuals to act and invest in key areas that can have a multiplier effect on the career advancement of women researchers. Despite the slow pace, there are areas of progress – success stories from several programs, organizations, and leaders in Africa and globally on three dimensions of gender that we will share in this session. Firstly, at the institutional culture and policy dimension, we will hear experiences from Michigan State University, Makerere University and the African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD) on the global and African leadership in promoting the career progression of women. Secondly, the role of the Science Granting Councils initiative in Africa in strengthening the gender dimension of research will be shared. Finally, the role of partnerships between local and global funders, and programs like African Futures will demonstrate the changing face of the researchers that receive funding, networking and mentoring opportunities. Recommendations for scaling up these positive advancements including opportunities for networking among different institutions to promote the career advancement of women in HEIs will be discussed.


9:00 am - 1:15 pm EDT


Science Summit