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How do we scale and accelerate the net zero transition? The crucial role of international standards

Three major challenges are slowing down the net zero transition; confusion around what good net zero action looks like, confusion around how to measure progress towards net zero and confusion around who to trust and how to verify net zero claims. The net zero transition will not succeed without sufficient reporting, governance and accountability. Formal international standards, assurance, measurement and accreditation, together known as quality infrastructure, is uniquely positioned to address the challenges of scaling measurement and verification.

That’s why the International Organization for Standards (ISO) is convening the development of the world’s first verifiable international standard for organizational net zero transition plans. Leveraging this powerful behind-the-scenes system will become possible once the ISO net zero standard launches at the targeted date of COP30.

Key questions to be addressed will include the following: 

  • What are the obstacles to the net zero transition?
  • What are the market mechanisms which already exist which could be leveraged to scale the transition?
  • Why does the development of ISO’s net zero standard matter for companies?
  • What is the difference between international standards and other voluntary initiatives or frameworks that have previously governed the net zero transition?

This session is hosted by British Standards Institution.


2:00 pm - 3:00 pm EDT


British Standards Institution, Climate Group