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Overcoming Crop Failure: Landscape Approaches to Climate Resilience in Tropical Commodities

Climate change-induced supply disruptions in food supply chains are starting to bite in key commodities earlier than expected. Price fluctuations and sudden shocks in supply chains such as palm, soy, beef, cocoa, coffee, cotton are predicted to grow, impacting supply chain players including farmers, traders, brands and retailers.

Climate change-induced supply disruptions in food supply chains are starting to bite in key commodities earlier than expected. Price fluctuations and sudden shocks in supply chains such as palm, soy, beef, cocoa, coffee, cotton are predicted to grow, impacting supply chain players including farmers, traders, brands and retailers.

Stability of supply is closely linked to the state of natural ecosystems adjacent to important agricultural production areas, particularly tropical forests. Savvy food value chain decision-makers are investing early in testing resilient production models at landscape level so that they can be scaled to bigger sourcing areas and reduce supply and business risks.

This unique event hosted by IDH and the Forest Positive Coalition of the Consumer Goods Forum will consider current and expected price changes and supply risks in six key commodities -palm, soy, beef, cocoa, coffee, cotton and share practical examples of landscape-level action for climate resilience and land regeneration and how it can support reliable and climate-friendly production of these commodities.


Harvard Club of New York City
