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Tech, Governance and Participation for Regional Digital Regulation Sandboxes


September 21, 2023
9:00 am - 10:30 am EDT
Add to Calendar September 21, 2023 9:00 am September 21, 2023 10:30 am America/New_York Tech, Governance and Participation for Regional Digital Regulation Sandboxes

While developed countries discuss implementing digital regulation developed by experts, developing countries undergoing digital transformation seek an approach to digital regulation that is more people-centered, responsive and adapting to changing needs and requirements. Technology advances can now enable widespread citizen, employee, family participation and feedback via multi-media communication channels including getting input by calling people on the telephone and developing insights which can improve regulation in dynamic iterative cycles. The Planet Positive initiative of the IEEE drawing on members from across the world developed Guiding principles for a Positive Planet, which includes Licensing and Labeling Responsible Technology.  Voice-enabled Conversational AI now makes it possible to get feedback from designers, developers, marketers, distributors, users and incorporate in a feedback back loop developing insights  which can improve impact, outcomes, and reduce energy use and carbon production. The Hasso Plattner institute is working with the German and US Governments to drive energy efficient computing. The Panel addresses whether all these factors can come together by developing a new concept of the Regional cross sector digital regulation sandbox.

Location of the event

While developed countries discuss implementing digital regulation developed by experts, developing countries undergoing digital transformation seek an approach to digital regulation that is more people-centered, responsive and adapting to changing needs and requirements. Technology advances can now enable widespread citizen, employee, family participation and feedback via multi-media communication channels including getting input by calling people on the telephone and developing insights which can improve regulation in dynamic iterative cycles. The Planet Positive initiative of the IEEE drawing on members from across the world developed Guiding principles for a Positive Planet, which includes Licensing and Labeling Responsible Technology.  Voice-enabled Conversational AI now makes it possible to get feedback from designers, developers, marketers, distributors, users and incorporate in a feedback back loop developing insights  which can improve impact, outcomes, and reduce energy use and carbon production. The Hasso Plattner institute is working with the German and US Governments to drive energy efficient computing. The Panel addresses whether all these factors can come together by developing a new concept of the Regional cross sector digital regulation sandbox.