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Digitalization for Good & ESG Reporting Standards – Bridging the Gap for a Sustainable Future


3:00 pm - 7:00 pm EDT


UN Global Compact Country Networks Finland, France, and Sweden


Deloitte Headquarters

A key expected outcome of the Summit of the Future is the Global Digital Compact, a framework that sets out principles to advance an open, free and human-centered digital future that contributes to the SDGs and universal human rights.

Joint event by UN Global Compact Networks Finland, France and Sweden will delve into how digitalization can drive positive change and how robust ESG reporting standards can ensure these changes are sustainable and accountable.

The first part will highlight the transformative power of digital technologies in bridging the digital divide and enhancing data-driven decision-making.

The second part will focus on sustainability issues, featuring a comparative analysis of European and North American reporting standards, aligned with the UN Global Compact and Communication on Progress (CoP) tool.