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Food+ @ UNGA79

Global food security is deteriorating amid a range of complex and intersecting threats, including climate change, fragmented supply chains, and regional conflicts. Not only are these factors increasing pressures on food systems, but they are also destabilizing economies, contributing to migration, and risking famine in fragile states from Sudan to Gaza to Ethiopia.

In the face of these complex challenges, innovative solutions are being developed, deployed, and scaled by a range of partners around the world. On the occasion of the 79th United Nations General Assembly, join Foreign Policy’s Food+ Forum, where we will convene leading experts, scientists, policymakers, investors, and entrepreneurs who are building more sustainable food systems, through advancing crop science and regenerative agriculture, enhancing soil sustainability and nutrient density, and providing innovative financing and safety nets to bolster food system resilience.


12:30 pm - 3:30 pm EDT
Studio Gather


Foreign Policy, Catholic Relief Services, Food for the Hungry, Heifer International, and Mosaic