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From Words to Action: A Networked Approach for Upholding Commitments from the UN Summit of the Future

Taking place at the 2024 UN Summit of the Future, this hybrid event will explore how to make real the commitments made by heads of state and government for renewing global cooperation.  A loose coalition of think tanks and NGOs who have been following the Pact for the Future, the Declaration on Future Generations and Global Digital Compact and care deeply about the trajectory of global cooperation will come together to:

  • Identify the main outcomes or seeds that have been planted  in the Summit of the Future  that can be carried forth and harvested in the months and years to come.

  • Announce our commitment to a monitoring and review process that brings together UN and stakeholders from the Global South and North, working with champion member states, to help ensure the commitments made will endure.

  • Showcase innovative ways that think tanks and civil society stakeholders can work together, and with multilateral institutions, to enhance global governance.

Speakers include:

  • Dr. Nicolas Albertoni, Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs, Uruguay

  • H.E. Mr. Burhan Gafoor, Permanent Representative of Singapore to the United Nations

  • Mr. Amitabh Behar, Executive Director, Oxfam International

  • Ms. Ndidi Okonkwo Nwuneli, President & CEO, The ONE Campaign

  • Dr. Anne-Marie Slaughter, President & CEO, New America and former member of the UN High Level Advisory Board on Effective Multilateralism 

  • Several senior leaders and heads of think tanks

The main messages of the event are:

  • The Pact for the Future’s outcomes are worth recognizing and making real;

  • Inclusive and networked multilateralism – cooperation between stakeholders and governments – is the future of global cooperation and – if done well – can help us better deliver for people;

  • Bringing together UN and Global South and North stakeholders to review and assess outcomes from the member state-led Pact will bring greater trust to the multilateral system, enhance accountability for the commitments made, and increase the likelihood that other multilateral efforts will build off the Pact.

Our ambition is that in one year’s time, the outcomes from the Summit will help renew global collaboration. The NGOs and think tanks in this coalition will support this progress by:

  • Socializing the Summit’s outcomes to governments and civil society organizations in their region or reach,

  • Assessing progress on Actions from the Pact, Declaration on Future Generations, and Global Digital Compact, based on their areas of expertise (the coalition includes experts in issue areas covered in the outcomes)

  • Identifying avenues for further advancement of the key outcomes.


4:00 pm - 5:15 pm EDT
Summit of the Future Action Days Side Event in UN Headquarters


Project Starling