Navigating Voluntary Carbon Markets: Ensuring Integrity and Maximizing ROI
Navigating Voluntary Carbon Markets: Ensuring Integrity and Maximizing ROI Join EcoAct, a wholly owned subsidiary of Schneider Electric, for an exclusive Climate Week NYC event exploring the latest trends, key themes and perspectives in the voluntary carbon markets.
We’ll discuss what to consider when purchasing carbon offsets as the VCM landscape is rapidly evolving. We will provide valuable insights into regulatory updates, science-based strategies, short term and long term financing options, and nature and biodiversity impacts. Engage with industry leaders and experts as we discuss how best to navigate the carbon market and prepare for a sustainable future.
Key Themes:
-State of the Carbon Markets: Recent trends and perspectives
-Integrity & Strategy: Science-based approaches – why we can’t wait until 2050 -Finance: Project investment and financing options
-Nature, People & Biodiversity: Co-benefits in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
-Standards and Regulatory Changes: How to prepare for standards and regulations such as SBTi, Oxford Principles for Net Zero Aligned Offsetting,IPCC, ISO, IC VCM and VCMI.
-Video Premiere: A special screening of our latest video on carbon markets and nature-based solutions.
-Panel Discussion: Insights from industry leaders and experts.
-Happy Hour & Networking: Enjoy refreshments and network with peers and professionals.