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UNGA – AGRICULTURE: Panels on the Vision for Adapted Crops and Soils (VACS): Improving Food Security at the Nexus of Climate, Land Degradation, and Biodiversity

During UNGA, we are pleased to host a two-part panel discussion on the global Vision for Adapted Crops and Soils (VACS) initiative with keynote remarks focused on the importance of agriculture and food security as an essential tool for addressing climate, land degradation, and biodiversity. The panels will highlight stakeholders, including institutional investors, who are empowering farmers to obtain the tools they need to implement sustainable agriculture practices. The discussion will focus on best practices and innovative approaches that help inspire collaboration and form lasting public-private partnerships.

VACS provides a policy and investment framework and was launched by the U.S. government, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the UN, and the African Union (AU) in partnership with companies like ADM and Bayer to address the core challenges facing the global food system. The initiative seeks to address the mismatch in food demand and production by revitalizing degraded soils through efficient use of resources and building a resilient food system grounded in diverse, nutritious, and climate-adapted crops grown in healthy, fertile soils.

Currently, more than 700 million people are undernourished, and child stunting and nutrient deficiencies are widespread in developing countries. Food demand will increase by more than 25 percent globally – and more than 50 percent in Africa – by 2050, while crop yields are projected to decrease due to climate change and land degradation.

Program participants will include senior stakeholders from governments, multilateral organizations, NGOs, UN officials, and members of the private sector, with the goal of helping to build momentum for CBD16, COP29, UNCCDCOP16 and additional global gatherings.


2:00 pm - 5:30 pm EDT


Business Council for International Understanding (BCIU), Ares Charitable Foundation